
MMSS 2일차 (7/24 Mon)

2일차입니다. 본격적으로 수업을 시작했습니다.


  • Graph(그래프) : A set of elements called vertices(꼭짓점, 노드), along with a set of pairs of vertices called edges(간선). Two vertices are adjacent(인접하다, 이웃하다) if there is an edge between them.
  • Order / Size : The number of vertices and edges in a graph.
  • Isomorphic(동형) : Two graphs are isomorphic if there is a mapping of all vertices that preserves all adjacent pair.
  • Complete graph(완전 그래프) : Graph with every pair of it’s vertices as neighbors.
  • Subgraph(부분 그래프) : A graph that is made of subset of another graph’s vertices and edges.
  • General graph / Multigraph(다중 그래프) : A graph where loops and multiple edges are possible.
  • Connected(연결, 연결 그래프) : A graph is connected if there is a path between every pair of vertices.
  • Component : A connected subgraph that is not a part of another larger connected subgraph.
  • Degree(차수) : Count of neighbors of a vertex.
  • Degree sequence : List of all degrees in descending order.
  • Degree sum : Sum of all degrees. Is equal to 2X the size of the graph(Degree Sum Th)
  • Distance : Minimum number of edges on a path between 2 vertices.
  • Diameter(지름) : Largest distance in a graph.
  • Regular : A graph where all degrees are same. If they are N, The graph is N-regular.

  • Isomorphic-ness of a graph has to be proven by mapping. Non-isomorphic-ness can be proved by finding any property that shows in one graph and not on the other.
  • By Degree-sum Th., degree sum of any graph is even.

그 외

  • 한 게 없습니다.
  • 학교 식당인 South Quad Dining Hall 에서 세 끼를 모두 먹습니다. 밥을 먹다 보면 왜 미국이 특히 비만이 심한지 알 수 있을 것 같은 그런 밥입니다.
  • 2인실을 혼자 쓰니까 좋습니다. 자유롭게 유튜브를 보거나 PS를 할 수 있는 그런 공간입니다.
  • 나갈 일이 없습니다. 좀 심심합니다.
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